The Marquardt RJ43-MA-3 was a ramjet engine which powered the supersonic Boeing CIM-10 Bomarc surface-to-air missile, which formed part of America’s Cold War air defense system from the late 1950s through the early 70s. The Marquardt Corporation engineered and built these then-revolutionary engines, variants of which also powered the supersonic Lockheed D-21 reconnaissance drone and AQM-60 target drone. Lockheed designed the D-21 to operate from the back of an M-21 carrier aircraft, a variant of the famous SR-71 Blackbird spy plane, so that it could perform reconnaissance flights over hostile areas too dangerous for piloted vehicles to traverse. While the Museum’s RJ43-MA-3 engine is similar to the D-21’s Mach 3.3 variant, its specific serial number indicates that it was one built to power the Bomarc Missile at Mach 2.8.
The engine, which appears to be completely intact, comes in its original shipping container, with the transport and removal rails still inside. It is assumed that the highest and best future use for the subject Marquardt RJ43 Ramjet is for it to serve as a static example in a museum for public viewing, or at an institution where the scope of its collection includes this engine. There are no log books attached to this engine.
Offered for US$50,000 or equivalent trade
To arrange a showing, please call 757-721-7767 and speak with the Director, or click here.