Progress in August/September:

As in our last report, the team at Mil-Spec Vehicle Restoration has made significant progress on several fronts with our CCKW 353 Fuel Truck over the past few weeks. The steering and braking systems are essentially fully installed now, with the drive train following close behind. It shouldn't be too long before the wheels go back on now!

Front Axle:

The Mil-Spec team recently installed the steering knuckle assemblies to each side of the front axle, while also mounting the steering box and its associated hardware. They also installed re-sleeved wheel cylinders, along with the brake shoes, their attaching hardware, and refurbished brake drum assemblies to each side of the front axle. Wheel hubs, with new bearings and seals, were also remounted to the front axle, while newly-fabricated hydraulic lines integrated each wheel with the vehicle's braking system. Furthermore, the team replaced the shock absorber mounting posts for the leaf spring saddles as well.

Rear Axles & Brakes:

Mil-Spec completed the installation of the four refurbished brake drums for the two rear axles, while also mounting the wheel hub assemblies. The hubs needed their bearing races replaced, both inner and outer, along with their associated grease, seals and gaskets. And finally, Mil-Spec repainted and fitted the Hydrovac system to the chassis, fabricating and installing new hydraulic lines linking it from the brake master cylinder into the braking system as a whole.