Regular visitors to the mezzanine deck at the Military Aviation Museum will have witnessed a remarkable transformation over the past three years as a group of our dedicated volunteers carefully rebuilt a Link C-3 Flight Trainer to operational condition. Not as sexy, perhaps, as the former military aircraft in our hangars, Link's venerable Flight Trainer was easily as vital to our ultimate victory in WWII. Indeed more than 500,000 Allied airmen likely received their first taste of instrument flight training in one of these so-called 'Blue Boxes'. Before we dig into the specifics regarding the device's technical details and our volunteers' restoration efforts, it is perhaps useful to learn a little about the man behind the revolutionary Flight Trainer's design.
Edwin Albert Link, Jr.
The Flight Trainer owes its existence to the inspirational genius and mechanical ingenuity of Edwin Albert Link, Jr. In 1920, aged just 16, Link began learning to fly. These were the early days of civil aviation, a time when the flight training regimen was still an ad hoc affair dependent upon each individual instructor's conceptualization of the necessary skills. Link found the process incredibly frustrating, not to mention dangerous. He was sure there must be a more economical and efficient way of learning the basic techniques involved - from the safety of the ground - so in 1927, he set about designing a machine to do just that!
Link's family owned the Link Piano & Organ Company which designed and built 'player' pianos and organs at its Binghamton, New York factory. These highly sophisticate machines incorporated a complex array of moving parts and pneumatic bellows which allowed them to play programmed musical tunes automatically. The company built a number of these organs for movie theaters which used them to provide the soundtrack for silent films. Having grown up around this technology most of his young life, Edwin Link had an innate understanding for how it all worked and - more importantly - how he could apply it to other tasks.
Instinctively, Link saw a way to repurpose the musical instrument's bellows, mechanical computer and linkages within a device which could move physically in response to a pilot's control inputs mimicking flight. By March 1930, Link had filed a patent for his invention, and set about proving its worth to the world. By 1933, pilots began to realize that Link's machine responded realistically to their control inputs. But, more importantly, they could also use it to learn how to fly and navigate solely using cockpit instruments. Edwin Link had created the world's first practical flight simulator!
Initially, many saw Link's flight simulator as little more than a fair ground curiosity, but its outward simplicity is incredibly deceptive. Link started a flying school in 1929 using his prototype to provide flight instruction to neophyte pilots. It wasn't until March 28th, 1934, however, that business for the device began to pick up. The U.S. Army Air Corps ordered six of the first ten examples built to help its pilots learn to fly and navigate effectively using only their instruments. In February 1934, the Army became responsible for transporting air mail for the U.S. Post Office, but was unprepared for the task. In just the first four months of 1934, its pilots were involved in 66 significant, airmail-related accidents, resulting in numerous injuries and 13 fatalities. Blind flying skills were clearly at a premium, hence the Army's desperation for a quick fix!
The Link Flight Trainer's ability to provide realistic blind flying training, even simulating headwinds and bumpy weather with tactile feedback for the pilot in the cockpit, proved to be a major selling point for the device.
Airlines and military air arms around the world (even in Germany and Japan) placed numerous orders for Link's invention... so many so that his company, Link Aviation Devices Inc., acquired a former Nestle's Milk Products plant in Hillcrest, New York during November 1940 and another smaller facility in Gananoque, Ontario (where the Link family had a summer home) to more than quintuple the factory space to keep up with production demands. All-in-all, Link produced more than 10,000 Flight Trainers (of various models) during the WWII era.
The company continued making ever-more sophisticated flight simulators following the war, one of which they adapted to train NASA astronauts to fly the Lunar Lander during the Apollo program. Now a part of CAE Inc., the company still builds some of the world's most sophisticated flight simulators.
As for Edwin Link himself, he and his wife Marion (who managed Link Aviation with him), focused much of their attention on marine archeology after selling the company in 1954. True-to-form, Edwin invented numerous new devices to assist in this endeavor, including then-revolutionary submersible decompression chambers.
The Museum's C-3 Flight Trainer:
The Museum acquired two C-3 Flight Trainers, one more complete than the other, from the Warbirds of Glory Museum during 2020. Most of the primary components used in our restoration appear to come from a U.S. Army Air Forces S-W C-3 Flight Trainer with the manufacturer's serial number 6278. While we know some of the details about where this Link Flight Trainer served, we will cover that in a subsequent article.
The “S-W” in our device's designator is shorthand for the Sparks-Withington Company of Jackson, Michigan, which received two contracts to build a total of 1,726 C-3 Flight Trainers for the U.S. military circa 1941. However, according to one source, Sparks-Withington only delivered 81 units before the government cancelled their contract and ordered the transfer of their remaining parts inventory to Link for completion. While we are uncertain whether our example is one of the latter batch, it seems likely given the small number of units which Sparks-Withington is said to have completed. It would also explain why our data plate is marked “Link Aviation Devices Ltd” instead of "Sparks-Withington".
The sections which follow will provide a description of Link C-3 Flight Trainer, its various key components, along with relevant, captioned images of the Museum's restoration efforts in those areas.
The Link Flight Trainer - A Description:
A Link C-3 Flight Trainer consists of three primary elements, the Fuselage (Cockpit), the Base, and the Instructor's Desk. These three elements are described in greater detail in the sections below (along with various components associated with each of them).
The Student Pilot sits in the cockpit and operates the controls and observes the instruments in much the same way they would a real aeroplane in flight. As a student moves the rudder pedals and control column, a variety of valves operate a set of linked, pneumatic bellows which translate these actions into physical movement of the cockpit in a similar fashion to the torque tubes and control lines in a real aircraft. Of course, it is impossible to fully represent the roll, pitch and yaw of actual flight in this system, but the simulator comes close via bank, climb and turn. The Instructor can also bias the aircraft's handling by simulating wind, slipstream and turbulence conditions from their desk.
For instrument flight simulation, the student pilot can fly a complete cross-country sortie, using their instruments, including a radio compass, to guide them. An Automatic Recorder on the Instructor's desk will trace their route out on a map, providing evidence of the student pilot's navigation and blind flying skills. This is an incredibly safe way for any student to gain both skills and confidence in their ability to fly at night or in bad weather.
Furthermore, should the pilot allow their 'airspeed' to slip below acceptable levels for maintaining flight, the Flight Trainer will simulate a stall, whipping the 'cockpit' into a rapid spin. Whether apocryphal or not, there are tales of trainee pilots being frightened so much when the trainer simulated a stall that they literally attempted to bale out of the gyrating machine!
The Fuselage:
This is essentially a small cockpit section with a vestigial tail and wings. The student sits in the cockpit during normal operations, and has a typical set of flight controls (rudder pedals, control stick or yoke, and throttle) along with a full suite of instruments, including a radio compass. Here, the only instruments which work conventionally are the magnetic compass and the clock. Everything else has to be simulated in some fashion, either electronically, mechanically, or by vacuum. The Altimeter, Airspeed Indicator and Vertical Climb Gauge readings are all driven by electronically via transmitters, their precise settings relayed via a device call a Telegon Oscillator (mounted in the Base) to the Automatic Recorder and relevant dials on the Instructor's Desk (or elsewhere if needed).
While the fuselage frame is very basic, as the image below reveals, it contains myriad intricate mechanisms which were both complex to restore, and even more difficult to install and bring up to operational condition. Some of the accompanying images will reveal what the restoration team had to tackle in putting it all back together.
Instrument Panel:
The Link C-3 Flight Trainer has an instrument panel which features every flight instrument which a WWII-era training aircraft would have included. Most of the instruments are driven by entirely different mechanisms, of course, since the 'aircraft' is not actually flying. The images below show the instrument panel during its restoration.
Rough Air Generator:
The Rough Air Generator, mounted on the fuselage floor behind the pilot's seat, enables the Flight Trainer's operator to introduce simulated air turbulence into the trainee pilot's mission (via a hand crank beneath the fuselage). It interrupts the vacuum to the pitch, bank and turn mechanisms, affecting the 'feel' of the cockpit controls and the way the training mission unfolds.
Spin Trip and Spin Valve Assemblies:
The C-3 Flight Trainer has mechanisms, mounted in the fuselage, which can trigger and simulate a spin if the trainee pilot puts their 'aircraft' into a stall. Not every aircraft will spin when its wing stalls, but it can be incredibly dangerous when they do, and a pilot needs to learn the conditions under which that might happen, and then how to cope with it if it does. There are two devices in the C-3 which form this mechanism, the Spin Trip and the Spin Valve. The Spin Trip is basically a 'stall detector', which determines whether the pilot has stalled the wing under the given 'flight' conditions. When it trips, it triggers a valve - the Spin Valve - which immediately throws the fuselage into an aggressive spin. The restoration team has restored these mechanisms for the C-3, with the images below showing before and after images of each device.
Slipstream Simulator:
One of these devices is attached to each of the linkages for the rudder, ailerons and elevator. The essentially emulate the force which the slipstream of leading aircraft can exert on the control surfaces during formation flying, ‘haptic feedback’ as it were, to give the directional controls an authentic feel. The resistance they apply can be adjusted to simulated different aircraft types, with greater levels of pushback added for higher performance designs.
The Octagon:
The Octagon, like its name suggests, is an octagonal box which houses the four primary bellows which adjust the pitch, bank and turn of the simulator's cockpit (which mounts directly above it). It is attached to the Base Cross (sometimes referred to as an 'Iron Cross'), which rides on the spindle. The unit can rotate a full 360º indefinitely. Slip rings on the spindle provide constant electrical contact linking the appropriate cockpit wires to the base unit and the instructor's desk.
The Spin Motor:
The Spin Motor (or Turning Motor) is a highly complex mechanical component mounted to the Octagon's forward face which adjusts the Fuselage's directional 'heading' based upon the pilot's control inputs. The device is essentially a pneumatic motor powered by two banks of five double-bellows (differential pairs) which sit on either side of a gearbox spinning the drive shaft. The bellows, each activated by pneumatic slide valves reacting to turn control inputs from the cockpit and Operator settings, adjust the Spin Motor's Drive Shaft position, which then adjusts fuselage heading via the Turning Belt linked to gears on the Spindle. The two banks of bellows are independent from one another, rotating their own Crank Shaft in one direction only, either clockwise or anti-clockwise.
While this verbal description may sound complicated, that is nothing in comparison to the mechanism itself. Its design was the work of genius - as was its manufacture. Fine tuning the mechanism is a fine art as well!
The Instructor's Desk:
While the student pilot sits in the cockpit, they are guided through their training sortie by an instructor, sometimes referred to as an Operator, who sits at a specially designed desk linked to the cockpit and its controls. For blind flying missions, an Automatic Recorder (or Crab) sits atop the desk, tracing out the pilot's route over a map with an inked roller. The desk also has a radio console, mounted in the central drawer through which the instructor can communicate with the student by voice. It also contains a Radio Range Keyer for simulating navigation beacons. This console can also mimic the effects of long transmission distances by weakening the signal according to range. Another set of controls on the desk also allows the Instructor to simulate wind and turbulence along the student pilot's route. A set of instruments atop the desk also relays the student pilot's precise heading, altitude, airspeed and vertical climb rate, relayed via a device called a Telegon Oscillator mounted in the simulator's Base.
The Crab (Automatic Recorder):
The Automatic Recorder, better known as The Crab, is an ingenious device which plots the course a student pilot 'flies' while navigating via their instruments in a Link Flight Trainer sortie. The Crab sits atop the instructor's desk. It records the student's flight by marking it (via an ink-coated Tracer Wheel) across an appropriately-scaled map of the route as it crawls along (hence the nickname) in response to their cockpit control inputs and the instructor's simulation settings (wind strength, direction, turbulence, etc.). The electro-mechanical Wind Drift computer, situated in the Base, translates the overland flightpath information for the crab's movements.
The images below show some of the stages in the restoration of our Crab. Interestingly, some of the internal parts bore an inspection signature from someone who worked on the device, likely during its manufacture.
Wind Velocity/Direction Controls:
One of the amazing features of the Link C-3 Flight Trainer is its ability to simulate the effects of wind during a blind flying exercise. The instructor has two dials on their desk which allow them to input both wind direction and velocity effects during a student's flight. They also have the ability to adjust these settings during the sortie as well, providing a realistic complication for the student pilot to negotiate.
The images below show what this control panel looked like when first acquired, along with various stages of its restoration.
Radio Controls:
The Operator for the Link C-3 Flight Trainer communicates with the trainee pilot during the course of their 'flight' using a simulated radio. The control panel for this unit sits in the central drawer in the Operator's desk. It is a fairly sophisticated system, with the ability to emulate the reduced performance of long distance transmissions. It also features a system for simulating navigation beacons and an instrument landing system as well.
The Base:
The C-3 Flight Trainer's Base provides a sturdy, steel-framed foundation for the simulator's cockpit and primary moving parts. It houses the Vacuum Turbine, an electric motor-driven pneumatic pump which provides suction for the attitude adjustment bellows mounted in the Octagon and the Turning Motor. The Base also contains the system's power supply, Wind Drift Mechanism, Telegon Oscillator and Radio Compass Teletorque Unit.
Wind Drift:
The Wind Drift mechanism is an electro-mechanical computer sitting within a black box mounted to the Flight Trainer's Base. Basically, it takes the Wind Direction and Wind Speed settings from the Operator's desktop controller and, together with the airspeed and radio compass heading data from the trainee pilot's cockpit, calculates the estimated ground path tracking data for the Automatic Recorder (Crab) to trace the approximate flightpath across the map on the Desk. This information is transferred via synchronous 'telechron' motors from the Wind Drift box, to similar, geared-down units on the Crab (which guide its path and tracking velocity).
The Wind Drift mechanism, as Museum volunteer Mark Freeman described, is "easily the most complex component, and one of the most inconspicuous [on the Link Flight Trainer]. Once we determined that it was working, we decided that doing any more than just cleaning off the grime would be opening a big can of worms!"
Telegon Oscillator:
The Telegon Oscillator is a critical device mounted in the Base which ensures that the instrument readings for the rate of climb, altimeter, and air speed indicators which the Flight Trainer Operator sees on their console are precisely synchronized with what the student pilot sees on their instrument panel. It produces a sinusoidal current (ranging between 700 and 800Hz) which acts as a signal source driving the three instrument transmitters in the fuselage.
A Big Thank-you to Our Volunteers:
Without a dedicated team of high quality volunteers, it is almost impossible for any museum to function successfully. The Military Aviation Museum is very fortunate to have such a team, ably coordinated by our curator, Zach Baughman. At least a dozen of our volunteers helped restore the Museum's Link Flight Trainer, and we would be remiss not to thank them here. Some of those who put in significant effort include (in no specific order): Dennis Evans (project lead), Red Calkin, Tom Slate, John Roberts, David Rathmann, Mark Freeman, Mike Falvey, and Noah Avis.
One just has to look at the complexity of the C-3's internal parts to know how complex this task must have been. The end result of their labors is truly remarkable... bravo to all who took part!