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The latest CCKW Fuel Truck restoration update shows significant progress taking place with the vehicle’s cab, which is now very close to being structurally complete.


Our CCKW Fuel Truck’s restoration is showing rapid signs of visual progress now, with the vehicle’s cab being the latest major subassembly to receive attention.


Rebuild Overview: The team at Mil-Spec Restoration has been hard at work on the restoration of the Museum’s GMC CCKW Fuel truck. Their efforts this month focused on the engine, transmission, radiator and chassis. Engine & Transmission Details: The engine is now fully rebuilt and has undergone testing to ensure its full operability. The restoration…


The engine on its assembly stand during its rebuild. Note the installation of the distributor (with ignition leads), crank case ventilator air cleaner and the engine oil filter (grey cylinder). The upper oil pan is also in place, with a new instruction decal on the side, and the engine oil dipstick assembly attached as well….


The once-dilapidated state of our Fuel Truck’s GMC 270 straight-six engine before its restoration began. (photo via Mil-Spec Restoration) Progress in December: When last we visited our CCKW 353 Fuel Truck project, the big news involved the arrival of the vehicle’s freshly-overhauled engine block from the machine shop. Mil-Spec Vehicle Restoration soon began the process…


The block from the CCKW 353 Fuel Truck’s once-seized engine shortly after disassembly began early in 2023. (image via Mil-Spec Restorations) Progress in September/October: The big news for our CCKW 353 Fuel Truck this month is the arrival of our freshly-overhauled engine block from the machine shop which Mil-Spec Vehicle Restoration contracted for the work….


Progress in August/September: As in our last report, the team at Mil-Spec Vehicle Restoration has made significant progress on several fronts with our CCKW 353 Fuel Truck over the past few weeks. The steering and braking systems are essentially fully installed now, with the drive train following close behind. It shouldn’t be too long before…


Progress in July: The team at Mil-Spec Vehicle Restoration has made significant progress on several fronts with our CCKW 353 Fuel Truck this past month. The once tired-looking frame now appears virtually brand new and is beginning to resemble a truck once again! This month saw the team focus on installing the remaining differential unit…


Three of the vehicle’s five drive shafts propped up in the foreground against the chassis frame awaiting the completion of their inspection and refurbishing process. Note that further back on the chassis, it is possible to see that the intermediate and rear axles are slowly being repopulated with their associated backing plates and brake hardware….


Our fuel truck’s fully assembled and repainted gearbox on a stand in the shop. Note that the gear shift lever has its bakelite pommel firmly in place again. (photo via Mil-Spec Vehicle Restoration) Our CCKW Fuel Truck is an all-wheel drive vehicle; each of its six wheels receives drive power from the engine. Indeed the…


The vehicle’s chassis prior to wheel removal and sandblasting in April, 2023. (photo via Mil-Spec Vehicle Restoration) The fuel truck’s sandblasted chassis frame sitting on blocks in Mil-Spec’s workshop. Note the other interesting military vehicles under the same roof. (photo via Mil-Spec Vehicle Restoration) There were a few areas of the chassis where the corrosion…


Mil-Spec has stripped the fuel truck’s chassis all the way down. Following the removal of brake lines, running board mounting brackets, battery box, the radiator and its frame, the truck is now about as disassembled as it ever will be. The restoration team has sandblasted the frame to remove surface corrosion and has begun the…