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The topside wing center section skin lying between Spars #3 and #5 prior to its removal. The triple row of rivets towards the bottom of the image marks where the skin mates up with Spar #3. As is quite evident from the numerous whitish-grey blotches on the skin’s surface, significant corrosion was spread throughout this component. All of the internal components beneath the skin have now been removed, along with most of the external structure too. The four, short, heavy-walled extrusions in the left half of the image mark where the rear cockpit rudder pedals are mounted. (Image via Pioneer Aero Ltd.)

Center Section Skin Panels:

Over the past several months, the team at Pioneer Aero has removed several skin panels from the SBD’s wing center section. They started at the trailing edge, detaching the flap bay, and have progressively moved forwards from the rear spar (Spar #5) through to Spar #3 on the underside of the airframe. 

Towards the end of May, the team began working on the top side of the wing center section, with Craig Cunha organizing the effort to carefully drill off the upper skin panel from between Spars #3 and #5. Sadly, as the images reveal, the skin section showed signs of significant corrosion damage at numerous locations, rendering it beyond salvage. Despite this setback, the skin was sufficiently complete to serve as an accurate template for manufacturing its replacement.

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The upper skin, face up, following its de-riveting; for reference, the edge attaching to Spar #3 is closest to the camera. Note the conspicuous whitish-grey areas of heavy corrosion. One of the two hat-section stringers is also on the work bench, running along the skin’s nearest edge. It and the other similar stringer from removed from the skin were both are corroded beyond airworthy limits. Resting along the aft edge of the skin are the two-angle stringers which mount between Spars #4 and #5. With only minor corrosion detected, they will be reusable following bead-blasting and primer-painting. (Image via Pioneer Aero Ltd.)
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This image reveals the replacement skin section under manufacture, with the corroded original clecoed to the new material beneath it. For reference, the rows of rivets (left to right) mount the following components: Spar #5, angle stringers X2, spar #4, top hat stringers X2 (double rows) and spar #3. (Image via Pioneer Aero Ltd.)


The skin panel featured two stringers between Spars #3 and #4, but these were also too badly corroded for reuse; new parts were fabricated as a result. The replacement stringers were then drilled off against the skin so ensure their correct alignment.

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A close up image of the skin and one of the hat-section stringers revealing the severity of the corrosion in both components. The visible face of the stringer mates against the inner face of the skin, creating an almost sealed cavity, and it was this which enhanced the ability for serious corrosion to set in. (Image via Pioneer Aero Ltd.)
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The inner face of the replacement skin panel during its remanufacture (the edge mounting to Spar #5 is running along at image left). The two replacement hat-section stringers are sitting atop the skin. These parts are (deliberately) a little long in their present state, but will be trimmed to precisely the correct length once the wing center section is removed from the main jig. This will ensure a Northrop-style wing join, which relies upon there being no gap at the center section-to-outer-wing-panel mating interfaces so as to properly transfer flight loads. (Image via Pioneer Aero Ltd.)

Inter-Spar Ribs:

With the skin panels removed from both top and bottom, it was then time to detach the underlying inter-spar ribs spanning Spars #3 and #4. Rather frustratingly, these components were also too corroded for re-use, and had to be rebuilt from scratch. New pulley brackets and p-clip tabs for attaching plumbing and electrical conduits to the ribs were also refabricated. The ribs and their associated components were then prepared and painted with primer after which they were riveted together.

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This is the inner face of the replacement rib straddling Spars #3 and #4 at Station 15 RH. Spar #3 will mount along the left edge of the photo. The pulley bracket and p-clips tabs (other side) have also been newly-fabricated. The original doubler ring around the biggest hole and the extrusion along the edge for attaching to Spar #3 are serviceable. The latter still need to be match-drilled to the new rib. (Image via Pioneer Aero Ltd.)